Zhicong Sun

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Updated Sept, 2024.
E-mail: zhicongsun_cs@163.com
Google Scholar; ResearchGate;
CV; Research Statement;
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Research Interests

  • Safety & Security Analysis and Software Engineering for Cyber-physical systems / Internet of Things

  • AI for Robotic Perception

Recent Publications

  • Safety and Security of Cyber-Physical Systems

  1. [IEEE-IoTJ'23] Zhicong Sun, Yulong Ding, Shuang-Hua Yang, “Contradictions Identification of Safety and Security Requirements for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 13 November 2023, Doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3332128. (PDF) (Codes). (A 26-page long article)

  2. [IET-CPS'24] Zhicong Sun, Guang Cheng, Yulong Ding, Shuang-Hua Yang, “Joint safety and security risk analysis in industrial cyber-physical systems: A survey”, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, 14 June 2024, Doi: 10.1049/cps2.12095. (PDF)

  3. [INFOCOM'24] Xinchen Zhang and Running Zhao, Zhihan Jiang, Zhicong Sun, Yulong Ding, Edith C.-H. Ngai, Shuang-Hua Yang, “AOC-IDS: Autonomous Online Framework with Contrastive Learning for Intrusion Detection”, Doi: 10.1109/INFOCOM52122.2024.10621346. (PDF)

  4. [IEEE-TCYB'24] Guang Chen and Zhicong Sun(co-first authors), Yulong Ding, Shuang-Hua Yang, “Risk Assessment for Cyber-Physical Systems under Stealth Attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Under Review.(PDF)


  • Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Ph.D. student | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sept 2023 - Aug 2024

  • Southern University of Science and Technology, China
    M.Eng. Degree | Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sept 2020 - Jun 2023
    Supervisor: Prof. Shuang-Hua Yang and Prof. Yulong Ding

  • Harbin Institute of Technology, China
    B.Eng. Degree | Department of Communication Engineering, Sept 2016 - Jun 2020
    Supervisor: Prof. Changjun Yu


  • Second Prize in Preliminary Contest of Business Plan of the 15th China Graduate Electronic Design Contest, 2020 (First Author).

  • Second Prize in the South China Division of the 15th China Graduate Electronic Design Contest, 2020 (Second Author).

  • Second Prize in the Final Tournament of the 18th RoboMaster University Championship, China University Robot Competition, 2019 (First Author).

  • Grand Prize in the North China Division of the 18th Robomaster University Technical Challenge, 2019 (First Author).

  • First Prize in the Northern Division of the 18th RoboMaster University Championship, China University Robot Competition, 2019 (First Author).

  • Participation Award in ICRA RoboMaster AI Challenge, 2019 (Member).

  • Grand Prize in the 7th China Marine Vehicle Design and Construction Contest, 2018 (First Author).

  • Third Prize in the University Student Science and Technology Innovation Competition, Shandong, 2018 (Second Author).

  • Third Prize in the Northern Division of the 17th RoboMaster University Championship, China University Robot Competition, 2018 (First Author).

  • First Prize in the HITwh Internal Contest of the Shandong Science and Technology Innovation Competition, 2018 (Second Author).

  • Second Prize in the 1st HITwh Headmaster Cup Science and Technology Contest, 2018 (First Author).

  • First Prize of the HITwh Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Hardware Contest, 2018 (First Author).


  • Top 10 Influential Graduate, 2020. (Ranked 2nd, awarded a scholarship of 10k RMB, with a selection ratio of 10/2368, at HITwh)

  • Outstanding Scientific and Technological Innovation Individual of the School of Information Science and Engineering, 2019.

  • Science and Technology Innovation Scholarship, 2019, 2018, 2017.

  • Outstanding Communist Party Member of the School of Information Science and Engineering, 2018.

  • Excellent Volunteer, 2018.

  • Social Work Scholarship, 2017.

  • Sports Excellence Scholarship, 2017.

Research Experiences

  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping of Drones in Large-scale Outdoor Environments
    Main Researcher | PolyU, Sept 2023 - Jun 2024

  • Identification and Resolution of Contradictions between Safety and Security (S&S) in Intelligent Connected Vehicle (ICV)
    Main Researcher | SUSTech, Sept 2022 - Jun 2023
    Supported by Huawei Trustworthy Intelligent Systems Laboratory.

  • Dealing with Security and Safety (S&S) Contradictions for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
    Main Researcher | SUSTech, Sept 2021 - Jun 2023
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant Number: 61873119 and Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Safety and Security for Next Generation of Industrial Internet.

  • Joint Safety and Security Risk Analysis in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (iCPSs)
    Main Researcher | SUSTech, Sept 2021 - Jun 2023
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant Number: 61873119 and Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Safety and Security for Next Generation of Industrial Internet.

  • Direction Estimation of Ionospheric Echo based on High-Frequency Ground Wave Radar
    Main Researcher | HIT, Jan 2020 - May 2020
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant Number: 61971159 and Institute of Electronic Engineering Technology, HIT.

Project Experiences

  • Simple Covariance Matrix Self-Adaptation Evolution Strategy with Repelling Subpopulations [report]
    Main Researcher | SUSTech, May 2021, Advisor: Prof. Xin Yao

  • Optimization of the initialization of item grouping under the BIGO model [report]
    Main Researcher | SUSTech, Apr 2021, Advisor: Prof. Xin Yao

  • Optimization of the convergence speed and the local search ability of the IFEP algorithm [report]
    Main Researcher | SUSTech, Mar 2021, Advisor: Prof. Xin Yao

  • Electronic Control of Five Kinds of Robots in Robomaster (China University Robot Competition)
    Head of the Electronic Control Group | HIT, Aug 2017 - Aug 2019

  • There are many projects I completed in the process of science and innovation competitions being omitted here.

Teaching Experience

  • CS324 Internet of Things
    Teaching Assistant | SUSTech, Spring 2022

Work Experience

  • Huawei Hong Kong Research Center
    Researcher Intern | 2012 Theory Lab, Apr 2024 - Jun 2024

  • Standard Robots, Shenzhen, Co., Ltd [project repository]
    Project Intern | Electronic Control Group, Jul 2020 - Aug 2020

  • ZTE Corporation
    Project Intern | Wireless Communication Group, Asia Pacific Training Base, Yantai, Jan 2020 - Feb 2020

Leadership & Activities

  • HIT Robot Contest Team (HRCT)
    Head of the Electronic Control Group | HIT, Aug 2017 - May 2018
    Vice Captain & Head of the Electronic Control Group | HIT, Jun 2018 - Aug 2019

  • Maker Space
    Head of the Lab | HIT, Sept 2017 - Feb 2018

Languages & Skills

  • Languages: Chinese (native), English (fluent, TOFEL: 101).

  • Programming: Python, Matlab, C/C, Java.

  • Others: Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computation, Embedded System Development (ARM, FPGA, FreeRTOS, RT-Thread), Robot Operating System.

Talks & Reports on me

  • Return visits of Top 10 Most Influential Graduate. [link 1] [link 2] [link 3]

  • Interview about my experience in science and innovation in HIT. [link]