Updated June, 2023.

Research Experiences

Identification and Resolution of Contradictions between Safety and Security (S&S) in Intelligent Connected Vehicle (ICV)

Main Researcher | SUSTech, Sept 2022 - Jun 2023
Advisors: Prof. Shuang-Hua Yang and Prof. Yulong Ding.
Supported by Huawei Trustworthy Intelligent Systems Laboratory.

  • Goal: to identify and reduce the contradiction in S&S requirements for ICV, satisfying high accuracy and efficiency in the coordination of safety and security in ICV.

  • Current achievements: investigated the literature and formulated a detailed research proposal. The research focuses on the following five parts.

    • (i) the system model of ICV;

    • (ii) the unified elicitation of S&S requirements;

    • (iii) the semi-formal representation of S&S requirements;

    • (iv) the methodology for identifying contradictions in S&S requirements;

    • (v) the solution of S&S contradictions.

Dealing with Security and Safety (S&S) Contradictions for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems

Main Researcher | SUSTech, Sept 2021 - Jun 2023
Advisors: Prof. Shuang-Hua Yang and Prof. Yulong Ding.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant Number: 61873119 and Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Safety and Security for Next Generation of Industrial Internet.

  • Goal: to propose a systematic methodology for identifying the contradictions in S&S requirements and provide strategies to reduce such contradictions.

  • Contributions:

    • (i) an iCPSs conceptual model is proposed and some widely recognized S&S objectives are adopted and redefined to constrain the objects and interactions in the model;

    • (ii) a causes-phenomena-effects analysis (CPEA) method is proposed to unify the elicitation of S&S requirements;

    • (iii) a requirement template with constricted natural language patterns is designed for expressing both safety and security requirements;

    • (iv) the concept of contradictions in S&S requirements is defined, and two sufficient conditions that result in contradictions are proposed; further, algorithms are provided to judge whether these conditions are satisfied or not.

  • Academic achievement: published a article on IEEE IoT-J (PDF).

  • Application achievement: this work has been recognized by Huawei Trustworthy Intelligent Systems Laboratory and the SUSTech academic council, and it will be used in Huawei's self-driving automobile.

Joint Safety and Security Risk Analysis in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (iCPSs)

Main Researcher | SUSTech, Sept 2021 - Jun 2023
Advisors: Prof. Shuang-Hua Yang and Prof. Yulong Ding.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant Number: 61873119 and Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Safety and Security for Next Generation of Industrial Internet.

  • Goal: to identify the limitations in the field of joint safety and security risk analysis, so as to provide research directions in future work.

  • Contributions:

    • (i) made a more detailed classification of four kinds of interactions between safety and security (i.e., independence, conditional dependence, mutual reinforcement, and antagonism) and maps relevant methods to these relationships;

    • (ii) focused on the methodologies for safety and security joint risk analysis and discussed their advantages and shortcomings;

    • (iii) proposed twelve criteria to evaluate reviewed approaches and made a preliminary discussion about whether these methods meet the requirements of iCPS.

  • Academic achievement: proposed six research directions; published a article on IEEE IoT-J .

Direction Estimation of Ionospheric Echo based on High-Frequency Ground Wave Radar

Main Researcher | HIT, Jan 2020 - May 2020
Advisor: Prof. Changjun Yu.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant Number: 61971159 and Institute of Electronic Engineering Technology, HIT.

  • Goal: to estimate the azimuth and elevation of ionospheric echo, so as to provide a basis for the suppression of ionospheric clutter in future work.

  • Contributions:

    • (i) identified the best array parameters and criteria for digital beamforming;

    • (ii) improved the convergence performance of the adaptive weight vector adjustment algorithm;

    • (iii) reduced the time complexity of the algorithm for beam-scanning-based angle measurement from O(n^2) to O(n);

  • Achievements: got 95 points in the graduation project review, ranking second in my major; appraised as excellent graduation design of the HIT. [repository]